Got my hat

Hi, I'm Dave, from California. I've been around a while, saw all the Indy films when they first played theaters, and have read your site for years. Glad to find the new site.

In honor of Indy IV, I ordered a Temple Fedora from the Stetson Factory Outlet. Easy! Call 816-233-3286, and they will take your order (Temple is the model, mink brown is the color). They will ship it, charge your credit card, and generally make it easy. Shipping costs vary, but I got mine from St. Joseph, MO, to Fresno, CA, in way under a week. haqt & shipping total cost: $85.

I was mortified to discover that I'd asked for the wrong size (what kind of idiot can't remember his own hat size?), so I'm going to have to try and return it for a larger one.

My old one did not actually wear out...but I sweated in it for so long that the stains became indelible.

I'll let you know if the return is as easy as the order.

Memorial day 2008 is the date, says the official web site. Can't wait!

Re: Got my hat

Hey Dave... have you ever thought about getting an Akubra Federation? I have three, and they look great after all these years.

Re: Got my hat

Thanks for the reference. If my Steson doesn't cut it, a Federation it will be.

Re: Got my hat

The Kingdom filming reported to be scheduled for my place of residence, Fresno, California, is happening today, October 11. The local paper reported it, with a shot of the Chandler Field terminal and tower building, "made up" as the Mexico City International Airport, circa "late 1950s". Local TV news also reported on the filming, but they were reporting from a long way off. Fresno PD held the outer perimeter, and there was company security inside that. The reporter said that he had seen a DC-10 taxi in, and actors get out.

I'm betting that this may be the whole extent of Fresno's fame and pride in "Kingdom", remembering how long the building playing the Berlin Airport was onscreen in Crusade!

Chandler Field is an aiport near downtown Fresno which has retained its 1940s-50s appearance. It is primarily used by private planes, with commercial traffic using the "Fresno Yosemite International Airport" (It's still got its old airport code from the days when it was called the Fresno Air Terminal, and in spite of the City Council's attempts to get people to refer to it as FYI, it's still FAT!)

Anyway, Chandler has often been the site of a fly-in and air show of War Birds, mostly vintage restored WWII aircraft. I think it will be completely convincing in the movie.

So...Mexico City... Better be checking out Aztec or Maya Archeology sites for Crystal Skulls (I know they've got 'em!)